Aujourd'hui |
Experience is so important ! Since 1964, the shop provides a professional service for skiing and mountaineering. Any ride equipment is available : Carving, All Mountain, Freeride, Touring, Snowscoot. We are also specialist for trail/running and Moutain Biking : FatBike, Family Bike, E-Bike, and even Road Bike. In the shop, we have a nice space for your shopping, skiwear or equipment. We also provide bootfitting service for your skiboots and ski test option before you buy. Tecnical and Authentic, all our staff is working for your pleasure and your holidays
Saison Hiver : Tous les jours : 8h30 - 19h30 (non stop)
Saison Été : Tous les jours : 9h30 - 12h30 / 15h - 19h
Basse saison : 15h - 18h
En cas d'urgence, nous restons disponibles au
Other services : Vente, Location hiver, Réparation hiver, Raquettes, Snowboard, Skis de rando, DVA, Snowblades, Luge, Chaussures de marche, Masque, Skis, VTT, Location été, Porte bébé, Ski de fond classique, Réparation été, Vélo de route, VTC, Snowscoot, Bootfiting, Vélo électrique, Peaux de phoque, Ski de fond Skating
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Tarifs Location 23_24 DUCH SPORTS.pdf |
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188 Rue de la Poste Chalet Millonex
Le Bec Rouge
Phone :
+33 4 79 06 30 27
45.469220, 6.905399